Children's Bedrooms
When I was a kid, my bedroom was the place I slept in or was sent to if I'd been naughty. It had a
bed, wardrobe, a set of drawers and a chair. When I reached my teens, I was allowed to put up a few
posters. Looking at the pictures below you can tell that things have changed since
These days, children's bedrooms are big business. There's a whole industry in designing furniture, rugs, murals,
wallpaper, and bedding. Philosophy and child psychology are also a part of it.
There is even guidance on Feng Shui for children's bedrooms, tempting perhaps for parents of hyperactive
children who are desperate for them to be at peace with the world. I'm not sure about Feng Shui being the answer
but I do think children's bedrooms should promote a sense of calmness. Call me old fashioned, but I think
there are too many distractions in children's bedrooms now. How can they do their homework or even get to
sleep when they have unlimited access to their favorite TV programs or they're trying to reach the next level on
their game. Some kids live in their rooms, only coming down for ice cream. As well as living in a fragmented family
and never seeing them, you don't know what they're up to. You don't know whom they're chatting to on the Web. In
this stressful world, children's bedrooms should offer a quiet refuge, to think, to read and to sleep.
Typical modern children's bedrooms have all the state of the art items once confined to the living room. There
is a TV, DVD player, cod player, and games system. It's not much of a punishment to be sent to your room these
Designing children's bedrooms comes with a lot of advice on color co-ordination, themes for the bedroom, and
efficient storage systems. You do have to be some sort of wizard to fit all their things into a small bedroom, and
there are a variety of different storage boxes and systems to choose from. Nicely decorated boxes
may even encourage them to tidy up now and again.
Of course, children do keep evolving, which is really inconvenient. Just when you're admiring your handiwork on
the jungle animal theme, complete with hand drawn stencils, your child has reached her teens and is demanding
something more grown up, like a re-creation of Marilyn Manson's latest album cover.
What About Shared Children's Bedrooms?
It's a good idea if you have two siblings who share a bedroom, to make two distinct areas for them. It gives
them more of a sense of ownership. My friend's six-year-old daughter's half of the bedroom is covered in
fairies and her four-year-old son's half is plastered in trains. They were both very happy with it.
If you have twins you know that they share a connection beyond what anyone can explain. Even so you may
want to accessorize the room they share by having different stuffed animals, piilows, etc.
As they get older their need for their own individual statement will make itself known. At that time you
can certainly create two distict themes within the same room.
More Information About Children's Bedrooms
Baby Room Decor Learn some ideas on planning the environment your baby
will spend much of his/her time in. Their environment can have a lot to do with how they grow up.
Toy Storage Is your being taken over by toys and gizmos? If yes,
then you need to know more about toy storage.
Toy Chest Got toys? Do you want some more neat ideas on how to solve
this messy problem? Learn more about toy chests.
Interlocking Floor Mats Great for added safety and fun. Check
them out.
Kids Decor Outfit your child's bedroom with fun and interesting kids
decor. They'll love it and so will you.
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