Toy Storage Ideas You and Your Child Will Love
Message to all parents...toy storage is critical! As children grow they accumulate
more an more toys -so start thinking about where to place your kid's toys now...before it's too
When the bedroom or toy room gets out of control and always seems to be a disaster area, you need to start
thinking about toy storage. Sometimes a mess in a room is the result of not having anywhere to put toys and books.
When thinking of toy storage, the obvious idea of a toy box comes to mind. There are hundreds to choose from, and
it is often a matter of personal preference. If your child has a favorite character or show, you can usually find a
toy box with that theme.
Toy Boxes
Some toy boxes for toy storage are easier to use than others. Keep your child’s age and ability in mind when
buying. Also remember to check things like lids that fall easily, or hinges that may pinch little fingers. Another
option for toy storage is a bookshelf. The shelves on the bookshelf are great for placing smaller toys so they are
up and off the floor. This is also a great way for your children to store their toys. They will have an easy time
finding what they are looking for at any given moment. For a personal touch, ask the carpenter in your life to
build something for toy storage. They may built you a simply toy box, or come up with their own unique idea for
dealing with toy storage. A handmade toy box can be a wonderful keepsake that will last a lifetime.
Some stores offer a different type of toy storage that you may find will help keep small toys and pieces from
getting lost or stepped on. There are some toy storage units that have buckets or baskets. These can be used for
Lego’s, puzzles, crayons, and other small and easy to lose objects. For a simple alternative to buying more
expensive toy storage units, you can go to a discount store and buy rubber bins. These are great as stand-in toy
boxes, or can be used for long-term toy storage. They only come in a few colors, but are generally big and durable.
Along the same terms, there are rubber bins that are short and long. These can easily slide under a bed and can be
great for toy storage. This is always a great way to save keepsakes, store shoes, or seasonal clothing.
If you keep buying items for toy storage and the mess remains, you might want to consider that you child just
has too many toys. This can be remedied by putting some of the toys away in a toy storage unit, and then by storing
that unit in a closet or basement. Occasionally switch stored toys with ones that have been recently been used.
This rotation of toys helps keep them interested in what they have, rather than what they want.
Give Old Toys To a Charity
In the end, even if you put all the best toy storage ideas into practice, you'll eventually run out of room and
have your home, let alone your kids' rooms, overflowing with toys and gizmos.
A great way to deal with this reality is to periodically go through your child's toys with you child and decide
to give the unwanted / unused toys to children in need.
We've been doing this for several years with our kid's older toys and not only does it relieve some of the
clutter, but it is a very nice thing to do and will make you and some less fortunate child feel great.
Here are more toy storage ideas
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